Discussing Eris, Goddess of Equity and Inclusion, on the Third House Podcast
A conversation with Charlie Book around the astrology, mythology, and significations of Eris, the transpersonal planet of the 21st century
My debut podcast appearance is on the Third House Podcast, an astrology podcast available in Swedish and English. I lived and worked in Sweden at one point, so it was great to reconnect with my Scandinavian peers!
In this conversation, I talk with Charlie Book about Eris, the planet whose discovery in 2005 got Pluto demoted to a dwarf planet and the goddess in Greek and Roman mythology who led to the Trojan War via the Judgment of Paris.
In astrology, Eris signifies many things, which you can learn more about in my course, Woman Warrior, but we get into a lot here. We discuss:
How I discovered the goddess
Eris' role in diversity, equity, inclusion, and pluralism
Why she's critical to solving 21st century issues
Why people, even astrologers, hear so little about her
I also dive deep into some questions we need to be asking and:
Address several issues in the culture wars
Challenge the astrology community to be more
Talk about the meaning of applied astrology
Discuss one of Charlie's long-term transits
For a full course on Eris and how she participates in the evolutionary dynamics of the 21st century, learn more about Woman Warrior below. It’s the most comprehensive knowledge available on Eris and has clarified her mechanisms even for those already familiar. I hope it stirs and awakens something within you.